Leman russ battle tank icon
Leman russ battle tank icon

leman russ battle tank icon

The short rear and turret are the largest downfalls of the leman russ design. Perhaps something were i can fit it over the existing leman russ rear, like your armored side skirts, or where i can cut off the rear with a bone saw and replace it with yours. Ditch one side of the exhaust pipes to give it an asymmetric look and i think you would have something much better. I would scrap the body, which is too curvaceous for a guard vehicle and concentrate on the rear engine deck extension you have there. However, i think a "total conversion" is the wrong way to go with this. I really appreciate the Russian aesthetic with the imperial guard you go after. Is it a BMP-3 turret? I converted all my chimeras to the Sciuridae Infantry Fighting Vehicles for my death korps.

Leman russ battle tank icon